Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tip to Teach Your Child How to Hold A Pencil

I had just started trying to teach Eugene the correct way to hold a pencil when he's doodling away but it's so impossible. He will always hold the pencil in a fist-like grip. Maybe t's too early to teach him?(26months).

I'm not insistent that he have to hold it the correct way all the time, don't want to pressurise the kid so if he's doodling, I will just show him the correct way once. After, even if he hold it the wrong way, I will not correct again. That one time is just to show him the correct way.

Anyway, I was just reading "THEY GROW UP TOO FAST" and the mommy have posted "TEACHING YOUR CHILD HOW TO HOLD A PENCIL". Perfect timing! Exactly what I needed.

THEY GROW TOO FAST"'s mommy had gotten the tip from "ROCKS IN MY DRYER".

I reproduce below the article "TEACHING A CHILD TO HOLD A PENCIL" from "ROCKS IN MY DRYER" blog.

I cannot take an ounce of credit for today's little tip--my son's preschool teacher taught it to me years ago.  It's such a good one, I couldn't keep it to myself.
You probably know how hard it can be to communicate to a child exactly how a pencil should sit properly in his or her little hands.  My son's teacher told me to do it this way:

1.  Take a Kleenex and tear it two pieces (a full Kleenex is too large, so just use the half piece for this trick.)

2.  Have the child pinch the Kleenex piece in his/her pinky and ring finger, like this:

3.  While the child is still pinching the Kleenex in those two fingers, tell him to hold the pencil in the remaining three fingers.

4.  Remarkably, as long as the Kleenex is still "occupying" their 4th and 5th fingers, the child will naturally hold the pencil the right way. 

Ok, I tried the above method and it works!

Of cos Eugene is still not able to hold the pencil well but it got him out of that fist-like grip which he tends to automatically do.

He will still tend to go back to his fist grip but at least he can doodle for a short while in the correct grip.

Thanks to "THEY GROW UP TOO FAST"'s mommy for discovering this tip and posting it - it is an excellent tip!

1 comment:

  1. glad you like it the tip. I'm more than happy to share anything that works :)



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