The best ramen that I had ever had was at the old Orchard Point. This young man cooked his own 'char-siew'. Gosh, the 'char-siew' was so heavenly, so melt-in-your mouth and the broth was so shiok (delicious) too.
SY and I used to patronise this small stall and when we order our ramen, we will order an extra plate of the 'char-siew'. Once we even ordered the whole roll of 'char-siew' (not slices, it was the whole roll) - SY and I each took half a roll to bring home.
When we went back again for our ramen fix - the stall was gone! Boo hoo hoo!
Somebody recommended this ramen restaurant : Marutama Ra-men
I ordered the pork-belly ramen while hubby ordered the char-siew ramen.
This was my pork-belly ramen with additional pork-belly.

Dashimaki Tamago - Japanese egg omelette.

Ok, I shouldn't compare it to the ramen at the old Orchard Point but this comes pretty close.
The broth was very rich and delicious and the noodles springy. Unusual thing is that their broth's base is chicken instead of pork. Yummy, yummy, yummy.
The only complaint I have is that the ramen comes with only 1 slice of meat. Can you imagine having the 'char-siew' ramen and you only have 1 slice of 'char-siew - ya, I repeat, there's only 1 slice! Unbelieveable!
So you are kind of like, no choice lah but to order an extra plate of the 'char-siew'. The extra plate of meat will not come to you as a side plate, the meat will be placed into your bowl of noodles.
Water's free and there're fried garlic to put into your bowl of ramen.
The breakdown :
Ramen : $12.00 each (with only 1 slice of meat ), so have to order extras
1 plate Char-Siew : $4.00 (think there were about 4 slices, it was placed together with that miserable 1 piece of char-siew in the ramen bowl)
1 plate Kakuni (pork-belly) : $5.00 (don't know how many pieces as it was so soft that it broke into smaller pieces)
1 plate Dashimaki Tamago (Egg Omelette) : $8.00
There were 6 pieces. It was nice but I thought rather expensive at that price. But no choice, cos this dish was primarily for Eugene.
Total plus GST and Service Charge : $48.25
6 Eu Tong Sen Street
#03-90/91 The Central
Tel : 6534-8090

Strolling outside CENTRAL.

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