M just adopted a big Labrador dog and all of us troop down to M's place to see the doggie.
Look Eugene, dog dog..

Eugene went up to pat the dog, he was not scared until.......
the dog suddenly sticked out her tongue and licked Eugene's face.
Eugene got a shock and then refused to go near the dog again.
We had to slowly coax him to pat the dog.
R asking Eugene to pat the dog.

Hmm..... let me take a look at her first, is she going to lick me again ?

Ok, I think it's safe to pat her...

Sayang doggie.......

Ok, I patted the dog. Think it's enough for today. Think I'll go and take a breather....

Wow, that was so stressful...

My little baby don't look so baby in this photo. He looks so grown-up. Slow down.

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