Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cut n Roll PlayDoh !

We were at Robinsons to get something. While I was browsing, hubby brought Eugene up to the Children's level.

After buying my item, I went to look for them.

Hubby mentioned to me that nowadays kids are a bit abrupt and aggressive - ??? - later I realised what he meant.

There was a long table with sets of PlayDoh for the kids to play.

Eugene's the youngest there.

As I was squatting there, some of the kids just snatched the play stuff from Eugene. Eugene was so surprised that he just looked at the kid and looked back at me, I too was taken aback and had no time to react and also just looked at the kid and back at Eugene.

Then, another kid tried to take away the rolling pin from Eugene. I stared at the kid :

Me : You want to borrow the rolling pin?

Kid : Nodded head.

Me : I will have to ask 'Ti Ti' 

Me : Eugene, can you lend your rolling pin to 'Jie Jie' ?

Eugene : No

Me : (passed him a toy knife) why don't you cut your playdoh and lend the rolling pin to Jie Jie first, Ok?

Eugene : Ok

And where's Eugene's PlayDoh? Can't see it right? 

Apparently the kids started taking his piece of PlayDoh and left him with a poor miserable piece of PlayDoh about the size of a 50 cents coin :( 

By the time hubby tried to intervene, it was too late :(

We bought this set for Eugene since he was so engrossed in it. Think it will help even more with his motor skills.

I squash

I roll with the roller.

I stamp!

I cut!

Have our S'porean kids become too self-absorbed, selfish and too 'I take, i take, give me, give me, mine, mine'? - results of too many violent video games or inappropriate tv programmes? latch-key kids?

I don't know how Eugene will be as he gets older as there will be outside influences, good and bad. But for now, at least I can  try to nip it in the bud if he shows any inappropriate behaviours.

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