Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chinese Class

I had enrolled Eugene for Chinese classes next year. It's only once a week though.

I grew up during the time when the S'pore Government said, pass your English. And then half-way thru, the Government said, pass your Chinese!

Too late. I was already at the point of no return.Completely flunked Chinese. It was so bad that it did not even warrant an F in the certificate :(

I am conversant in simple Mandarin but can't really read and write, whereas hubby is better at reading but can't really converse.

My side of family, only my mom is proficient in Mandarin.

My hubby's side of family - all are not proficient in Mandarin except maybe my pa-in-law.

I do let Eugene watch some Chinese dvds like Elmo in Chinese, just to get him used to hearing Mandarin and he did pick up some Chinese words like eyes, nose, ears, hands, legs.

Well, the registration was suppose to start at 9am. I was walking to the school when I looked at the time, 0830, wah, so early.

So I diverted to the petrol kiosk next to the school to browse thru some magazine. After about 10 mins, I decided to head to the school so as to give me time to find out where the registration counter is.

Arrived at the school. So empty. Where hah?

Saw some parents going up the stairs. OK, I follow, must be on the 2nd floor.

As I walked towards the door, WAH! so many people already! BUT it's not even 9am!

And thus begins my journey of kiasuism of education.

So those stories I heard of parents queing up way before registration time are true.

Luckily there were still slots available for the class that I wanted Eugene to be in. One of the administrator was shouting that for certain class, it's already full - and this is just after 9am only.

Overhead somebody said that she came at 7am. 7am leh! OMG!

I really hope that I do not have to come to that stage.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna,

    many more years of kiasuism to go..hehe..good luck/quek



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