08 Nov'2009Eugene is getting so active and also I guess, a bit lonely and so we thought we could kill 2 birds with a stone - bring him to
Gymboree where he could climb the various equipments and interact or get used being with other kids.
Eugene certainly needs no prodding. He went
straight away to climb

Eugene had snatched a toy from another kid and we told him that he cannot do that, he gave the toy back to that kid. Good boy.
Have told Eugene to be gentle too. I think he was trying to be friendly and he was trying to touch another kid's face and was quite heavy-handed - I quickly took Eugene's hand and showed him how to stroke the face gently.
Where did this snatching and heavy-handedness come from? Instinctive self-preservation? I guess partly is also due to the fact that the older boys bully him when he goes to the play-ground at our block and also by watching what the older boys do, like playing rough and grabbing things from each other.

That's the boy that Eugene snatched the toy from but Eugene gave it back after we told him to.

All the kids were to roll this long bolster. Eugene was playing elsewhere and wasn't happy about being 'forced' to roll it - he started crying!

Time for nursery rhymes.

Eugene sitting like a good boy -
hah, don't let these pictures fool you!
He started standing up and refused to join in.

Now let's sing '
Bitsy Spider'...... ( with hand effects and all)
Hubby looked at me : har?I looked at hubby : har?Eugene looked at us : har?I do play kiddie music for Eugene to listen. But I didn't teach him any nursery rhymes except for 'Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Stars'.
Hubby and I play mostly Michael Jackson and Jazz music which he loves.
I can dance to MJ's songs and swing to Jazz...

Eugene is able to play on his own at home and so maybe he likes to explore and do things on his own.
When he have to sit down with everybody and follow what everybody is doing, he didn't like it at all.
He was crying when he was made to sit quietly with all the other children and only stopped when he was on his own and doing his own exploration.
All of the other children (except another kid) were all so '
kuai', goody-goody and hardly any noise. Eugene was the
loudnest and most opinionated.
There was a moment when the teacher brought out a box of toys. The teacher told the children to put their fingers into the hole of the lid to lift up the lid.
The kids went to the box and just touched the lid. Eugene went straight up to the box, put his finger in the hole, lift up the box and started rummaging through the toys and picked the ones he likes. "Too slow, too bad" (Eugene must be thinking). Eugene was hanging onto 2 toys, I have to tell him that he can only have 1 so that the other children can have a toy too. He put 1 toy back into the bin.I think it is good to expose him to such environment where he can learn to share and be gentle and to interact with other kids.
Like for situations like above, we can immediately rectify his behaviour and explain to him what and why it is wrong or right, which luckily he do listen.
We are going to try to put him in a play-school when he turns 18 months next year, most probably
AppleTree 'cos there's one near my block and also they accept 18 months old.
Then when he turns 2 years, we'll switch him to Montessori. There's a Montessori near my block too and I think it's better because the class will be smaller and the teacher can give the kids more individual attention.
I'm just hoping that he will be able to sit down together with the rest of the children and concentrate.