Monday, May 14, 2012

When You're Ready, You're Ready.

13 May 2012

I have a lot of well-meaning advice, comments, the methods of potty training. But most entails bringing the kid to pee every half/one hour. Aiyoh, bringing the kid to the toilet that frequent and nagging him to pee - I really don't have this kind of patience.

Anyway, he's able to pee-pee on his own now and until recently, he will only poo-poo in his diaper. So during one weekend, I refuse to put his diaper on the whole day - guess what - he held back his poo! Urrghhh.....

Ok then, let's just concentrate on his peeing first. So one night, he went diaperless to bed and he was dry in the morning! Yay! So far for the past 2 months, there was only one episode of wetting the bed.
Mommy, Mommy! (in the middle of the night)
I sprinted out of bed (he does not get up at night, this was the first time)
Eugene, what's wrong? (my heart palpitating)
Mommy, I don't have diaper on? (he forgot that he was wearing big-boy pants) LOL

I told his teacher about Eugene refusing to poo in the potty. Teacher Liz said not to stress the boy, he's ready when he's ready. Ok, relax lah, I don't want to stress myself out too.

So everytime he wants to poo and asks me to put on a diaper for him, I will do it. He's already going diaperless at night so that's a milestone for him. Most kids will go diaperless for pee and poo first before being diaperless at night because it seems that going diaperless at night is the hardest for most kids.

Then today, Eugene came to me and said in a serious tone :
Mommy, can you switch on the light in the toilet, I need to poo.

(er? did I hear correctly?) I switched on the lights and put the small potty cover on the toilet bowl and a stool for him to climb up and sit.

Do you want me to wait for you? 

No mommy.

I checked on him later and asked if he pooed and he said yes. Really? Show me your poo and yes indeed, he did it.

So thanks to Teacher Liz for telling me that when he's ready, he's ready and not to force him.

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