Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Astronomy @ Bishan Park

30 April 2013

We follow the tweets of Gary who is a very enthusiastic astronomer in Singapore.

He tweeted that he will will bringing a very big telescope to view Saturn.

We drove to Bishan Park opposite the McDonalds and located him.

There were other enthusiasts like him there with their telescopes. I saw thru one telescopes - clusters of stars.

Anyway, we looked thru Gary's telescope (it was indeed a big telescope) and this time I had a good look at Saturn unlike the last time where it was really small as it was a small telescope.

Yes, this is what I saw thru the telescope(picture courtesy of Gary). Amazing isn't it? That you're actually seeing a planet so so far away.

And now...... drum roll please............... the highlight of the night....................

We were sitting around when suddenly there was an uproar. I turned my head and saw a bluish-green bright light streaking across the sky. What's that, fireworks? can't be, somebody lit a flare?

I asked one of the guys and he said it's a meteorite! What! you mean I saw a meteorite?!!!

We were definitely very, very lucky to see it.

Of cos, we didn't get a pic of it. Who would have expected it but it looked like the pic below.

Wow!!!!!!!! oops and I forgot to make a wish.

Follow Gary on his blog or tweeter if you're interested to see side-walk astronomy.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Don! Glad you and your adorable son got to observe Saturn! Too bad there isn't a photo of that amazing meteor. But guess what? I managed to get hold of a *VIDEO* of this bright fireball! Will be blogging and uploading it to YouTube soon. Stay tuned!



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