Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cake Pops n Presents

I decided to get Cake Pops for Eugene's classmates as well as for his teacher and the teacher's assistant.

Never knew there's such a thing as cake pops till I read this blog's posting. Thanks Lady J for the recommendation.



So cute, right?

The Elmo cake pops looks very red, just how Elmo's colour should be but in reality, the colour was more like the pic right at the top where I have not stuck the Elmos onto the styrofoam yet - well, I should say a little bit more lighter actually.

Even though it would have looked a lot like Elmo if it had been more red, but then it was no big deal. The kids still loved it!

There're a couple of bakers in S'pore doing these cake-pops but what sold me over was  (according to their website) :
1) we do not use artificial preservatives or stabilisers in our cakes
2) where butter is required, we use real butter and not shortening or margarine
3) the ingredients we use does not contain trans fat
4) where milk is required, we use low-fat milk

As these cake-pops was to be given out to young children, I do not want to have any unnatural stuff in it as far as possible.

I tasted a cake-pop and it was very tasty! The shell and the chocolate cake encased in it was not too sweet and it was very yummy!

If you are interested, get it here :

Parents and in-laws gives ang-pows every year.

Bro-in-law and family got the below for Eugene.

while we got for Eugene a Beyblade. Why a Beyblade? Becos Eugene wanted one.
Sometimes when we bring Eugene to the playground, there will be this group of older boys playing their Beyblades and Eugene will watch fascinated by it (see here). And so when we asked what he would like for his birthday, he immediately said Beyblade.

He chose the Beyblade himself.

Eugene has only watched the boys playing the Beyblade and have never touched one before. So we showed him how to play it.

After a couple of tries, he got the hang of it.

The video below was taken after Eugene had tried to learn how to spin the Beyblade for a few time and thus you can see that he was very careful and cautious going about doing it (of cos, by the time this post is posted, he's already like a pro at it!)

You will also notice that he got a smile on his face the whole time. Ya, that's becos I told him that I'm taking a video of him and so to please smile (I didn't expect him to smile throughout, ha ha).

The 'faster' that I had mentioned in the video was not to chide him for being slow but to tell him to pull that plastic thingy fast so that the top will be able to spin faster and longer.

Not bad for a 3 years old Beyblader !

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