I was worried about Eugene's thumb sucking.
I pull his thumb out whenever I see it in his mouth but to no avail. I even rubbed some lemon on his thumb - no effect.
So many people tells me that it's harder to break the thumb-sucking habit than sucking a pacifier as you could take away the pacifier but not his thumb!
I had wanted to stop his thumb sucking habit as his teeth was coming out and I did not want it to affect the teeth development.
Wah, so headache, so how ah?
Then he got the HFMD. Because of the ulcers in his mouth, Eugene could not suck his thumb - pain lah. So for about a week, he did not do it.
And then ..........
He never suck his thumb again!
It's like he forgot that he used to suck his thumb.
Hooray! at least something good came out of the HFMD.
(see HFMD Beginning and HFMD Aftermath)
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