Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Flash Flash...

25 August 2008

about 11.45pm - heard shoutings below my block. Kaypoh, went to the back of of kitchen to look down to where the shoutings were coming from - saw a guy kneeling down in front of the elevator and a teenager boy scolding him in Hokkien.

My initial thought was a gang fight. Hmm.... should I call the police? The teenager was shouting in hokkien, wah, the hokkien so cheem that I can only catch a little of what he was shouting here and there. An Ah Beng bullying the 'kneeling-guy', and also this Ah Beng was on his handphone asking his buddies to come down as "I've caught him". Wah, calling for his gang to bash the guy up is it?

While comtemplating if I should call the police, an uncle came down from the lift and this teenager asked the uncle to help him keep an eye on the 'kneeling-guy' and that the police has already been called. Hey, what's going on huh?

Well, apparently this 'kneeling-guy' had been stalking the women in our area and flashing them! And this teenager and his friends had followed him and managed to catch him!

I felt a bit guilty for jumping to conclusion. Just becos the teenager looks like a Beng, speaks like a Beng in Hokkien, and walks like a Beng, I assumed he must be the baddie.

A lesson learnt - don't judge a book by its cover - don't assume until you know the true story.

Anyway, apparently this pervert stayed in my block!

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