Went with a fren to take photos of our auras. We had taken such pics before but it was years ago and so we decided to go and have it taken.
We had 2 pics taken at different shop, at different time - just curious lor to see what the colours are when taken not at the same time.
1st Pic - this was taken in the morning around 11.45am and the first page of the printed report.

2nd Pic - this was taken after I had my lunch at around 2pm and the first page of the printed report.

Both pics were taken at different shops and both pics came out rather different though my fren's pics came out absolutely vastly different - his pic in the morning was mainly blueish while it was yellow/red/organge in the afternoon.
All of us have a couple of layers of auras. I have a fren who could see auras but which layers she can see, I don't know. She will tell us the colours she sees surrounding us.
Most people will have those multiple colours. But since, maybe a couple of years ago, when she came to S'pore to visit, she said that she is seeing only the colour white around me and this year when she was here, again she said that it's the colour white and that she has not seen this colour white on any other person. My other frens got the pink, blue etc but she only see 'white' on me. Aiyoh, why ah?
I really don't know what the colour white signifies, so if any person out there who knows what a white aura means, please let me know in the "Comment" section.
I've been 'white lighting' myself and so I wonder if this is the 'white light' that my fren saw surrounding me? If this is the case, then this 'white' is not my aura but my protective shield, right?
There are controversy regarding Aura Imaging. Sceptics say that the pics are not our auras (which tend towards the spiritual) but our electrical field. It has been scientifically proven by the Kirlian Method that we emit out electrical field - hmm... I'm just wondering, maybe in the esoteric aspect, it is been called Aura?
Anyway, it's fun and interesting.
I took the pics at Fu Lou Shou - there are 2 shops there that takes these Aura Imaging pics. One is at the main entrance and another a floor above.
It's not expensive, just $5.00. It comes with a report (quite a few pages) on what your colour signifies. The printed reports on the colours' meanings are mainly on the spiritual aspects. The ladies there will also explain the colours' meanings to you - and their explanations are mainly on the physical aspect like you're healthy or not.
Oh, the lady also said that the colour of your aura are more accurately represented in the printed report than just only looking at the pics cos sometimes the different colours overlap each other and it might not be so clear to the naked eye.
Like, the 1st pic showed my left side that looked like with a bit of green and yellow and orange but the report said it is turquoise.
I thought her explanation on my physical health rather accurate, like low energy (true, I was sick with the flu). Also she said that my intestines are not so 'good' (true, had diarrhea and pain around that area). The print-out report on the spiritual aspects are quite true for me too.