I was channel surfing TV (as usual) and came across this documentary on other dimensions which led me to read more about it from the internet.
The below paragraph was taken from the net :
"When we talk about parallel dimensions we are not speaking of an exact duplicate, but of near duplicate dimensions. For example, I have brown hair in this dimension so in other parallel dimensions my hair might be tan, black, blond. If I am right handed here, other dimensions I may be left handed. Near duplicate, but not exactly the same.
Scientists have now confirmed the existence of at least eleven other dimensions. We have taught that the spirits of the dead exist within their own dimension that is the nearest to ours. Accounts of spirits or ghosts walking through walls instead of the doorway perhaps is because in their dimension, the wall is a hallway or doorway, but in our dimension it is a wall. Spirits tend to create the reality they live within which often overlaps into our dimension."You might think that this is all hogwash but there is some element of truth in it as someone close and I, had experienced it.
There were 2 incidents that I had experienced that I can still remember so clearly to this day like it had just happened yesterday :
(1) When I was, I think, about 6-7 years old. My parents brought me to the Farrer Park swimming pool. I do not know how to swim and this young girl put me on her shoulder and started wading into the pool.
She fell and the next thing I knew, I was under the water. Now it was very crowded that day, but when I went under, it was all blue and empty - nobody, the whole pool was empty! - I couldn't see anybody's body, legs, arms under the water - it's like another place. A voice (I now know it's my guardian angel/angels) told me not to be scared but to just hold my breath.
So there I was under the water and I remember that it was so peaceful and quiet. Then suddenly, a light burst above me and I saw this non-chinese man with moustache and a hairy chest swimmed towards me and carried me up to the surface.
When I came up to the surface, I can hear my mom being kind of hysterical, shouting if I'm ok and whether I was coughing or choking...... oh, I thought to myself, I'm expected to cough har..... so, I pretended to cough - actually I was fine. I remembered later being given a curry puff to eat.
2) My mom just had an operation and she was hospitalised at the Toa Payoh hospital. I was around maybe 11-12 years old.
So every afternoon, I will walk from home to the hospital to visit my mom. And being young and energetic, I do not talk the elevator but take the stairs.
One day, after visiting my mom, as usual I walk down the stairs. Usually, when i go down two rounds of the stairs, I should be on the ground floor. But on that day, I kept going round and down and down and down......... there's no sight of the ground floor. And on the landing of the commom corridors that leads to the wards, it was EMPTY - now, this is during lunch time and there should be plenty of people walking around. There were nobody, the whole corridor was empty.......
The thought that came to me was "oh no, not again. ok, if I can't go down, then I should go up."
I went up and up until I came upon the common corridor and there were people milling and walking - ok, I should be back to the present - so I ran along this corridor and went down the stairs at the other end of the corridor making sure that there are other people going down the stairs too.
On both encounters, it was devoid of people.
Now, for the real proof that there are other dimensions.
Someone young and close to me have a special gift. Let's call him, DD.
DD have a special gift where he can see the ghosts/spirits. And after talking to him, I realise that sometimes he sees the parallel dimension.
Let me explain.
Once I was at my parent's home :
Me :
ok, do you see any 'special person'?DD :
yaMe :
what lahDD :
I see you...Me :
????? har?? what do you meanDD:
I see 2 of you....Me : (
my hair already standing on ends) you see 2 of me ? then how you know which one is the real me?DD : t
he other one looks like you, not an exact replica of you. She is not wearing any spectacles.Me :
what is she doing now?DD :
just walking around the house and sometimes making funny faces like what you do sometimes.Me :
do you see any other family members?DD :
the other day, GP(a family member) was out in the hall talking but I see the 'other GP' sleeping in the room.So, I think this really proves that there is a parallel dimension out there.