Got invited by one of our fren to visit her relatives up in Cameron Highlands during the Chinese New Year week.

Outside fren's relative's house.
Vegetables everywhere.
We had steam-boat in the evening with plenty of vegetables.
Fresh veggies just plucked from outside their house. It was really very sweet and delicious. What a difference being freshly plucked.
The view outside the house.

Fresh peppers!

Plucking fresh veggies!

Fresh veggies delivery.

Cameron's corn are the sweetest I've ever tasted!
Andrew and I bought some and we ate it right there and then.
No need to cook it, it was so sweeet.

I enjoyed the farm part plucking my own veggies which was really something for a city gal like me.
Very interesting ride at nite along the mountain roads of Cameron - we saw the farms all lighted up! It was so, so bright.
Click below to see the brightly lit farms :
Then we came across some people lighting fire-works as this was during the Chinese New Year period.
Click to see the Fire-Works :