Friday, September 14, 2012

You know you're old ........

physically and mentally when .............................

(1) - kids used to call you "jie-jie" but now the kids call you or their parents ask their kids to call you "auntie".

(2) - you were eyeing this shoes/clothes and then realised that an old auntie (by old as in about late fifties to sixties) was also eyeing the same thing. Is it I'm thinking old or is old auntie thinking young ?

(3) - you know, how gals like lacy cutesy stuff and you tried on a skirt/top with it - you looked at yourself in the mirror and realised that the face does not match the clothing.

(4) - when you just cannot stand those loud music that drone on and on ..... (not my era I guess) and keep going back to music of yester-years.

(5) - when you could not really differentiate the facial features of one gal/guy from the next in those Korean boy/gal bands - they all looked the same.

(6) - before when somebody rattle their telephone numbers to you, you could write it down immediately without pausing. Now, you have to ask them to repeat as you could only catch 3-4  numbers at any one time.

(7) - and now for the creme de la creme and this really happened just recently :

I was in a shop and went to try on a dress.

I came out of the fitting room to view from a bigger mirror outside the fitting room.

I commented that the waist line was too high for me and I look kind of fat in it.

The salesgirl commented that if one have already given birth, it's natural to have a big stomach.


as you all know, my kid is adopted.

I vow to get back to my Pilates routine..... and eat smaller portions of food (try only lah, don't know can do it or not).

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