Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Kid Said ........(3)

Eugene came up to me with a scared look on his face.

Hmm.... what did he do now? (I thought to myself)

Me : Eugene, what's wrong?

Eugene : Mommy, I broke the camera

I quickly took the camera from his hand - no more battery power - the boy thought he had broke it. But I played along.

Eugene : Mommy, are you angry?

Me : No, but I'm sad. Now I have no more camera (making a sad and pathetic face) and I have no money to buy a new one.

Can you give me your Piggy bank? I will use the money in your piggy bank to buy a new camera.

Eugene : wait Mommy, I'm going out for awhile (went out of the study room to the living room and came back with his piggy bank and handed it to me)

Me : You are really giving me your Piggy bank? Are you sure?

Eugene : Yes, mommy.

The next day ...........

Me : So Eugene, I'll take the money from your piggy bank to buy a new camera, ok?

Eugene : OK, mommy!

Me : You are sure? No more money in the piggy bank you know!

Eugene : Don't worry!

The "Don't worry" caught me off guard - ha ha.


Me : Eugene, where did you get this blister on the back of your foot?

Hubby : Think the sandals is too small for him now and the strap is cutting into his foot.

Eugene : No, it's not the sandals. It's the boots. Can I put a plaster?

Upon thinking, yes, he did wear a pair of boots the day before and he did complain of some pain but we looked at his sole instead and missed the blister at the back of his ankle.


While waiting for the classroom's door to open, one of Eugene's classmate arrived with her mom and she started talking to her mom.

Eugene : you talk! you can talk! you're talking! 
Eugene kept repeating that to her. I guess she's really quiet in class and thus Eugene was surprised when words came out from her. 
I didn't know what to say and was worried that her mom might be angry with Eugene.

Kid's Mom : yes, she can talk!


Me : Today is Friday. What day is tomorrow?

Eugene : Thursday!

Me : No, yesterday was Thursday. Today is Friday and tomorrow is ......?

Eugene : (after thinking for awhile) --- NO SCHOOL DAY ! -------


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